Tuesday 8 April 2014

Open Garage // Evaluation

This was the first packaging brief I had taken on this year, and it is definitely outside my usual scope of design. I found that I had to research into drinks packaging design as I wasn’t too familiar with this area. This has been one of my favourite projects of the year, as we were able to apply a level of interaction and playful design to a traditionally static medium. One step that I thought was particularly helpful in this brief was user testing, where we printed a black and white page of sticker designs and observed people interacting with the bottle. This gave us an idea of which designs were favoured and our findings were very different from what we expected. This is a process I have not used in a brief before and we definitely would have produced a less effective response without it. 

For this brief, me and Andy were good at working to our strengths and dividing design roles to create a better combined outcome. We put a strong emphasis on physical production and effective photography to really demonstrate the strengths of our idea. For an area of design that I have little experience in, I was very happy with the packaging that we were able to produce. We were also able to use animation in the brief to demonstrate the brand and product concept. This was created in collaboration with Leeds College of Music student Rebecca Saif, who did an excellent job of creating the sound for our animation. From this experience, I would definitely collaborate with a music producer for future animation work. 

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