Wednesday 20 November 2013

Philosophy // Day 1

This was my first day working with Hannah on the brief, and we had aimed to decide on passages which we would carry forward to animate.

In the morning, we read through Sophie's World independently and discussed the passages that we thought stood out. We were looking for passages that were fairly short and self contained, and which didn't contain too many historical facts. We found sections of Sophie's thoughts to be the most interesting dialogues, and we could easily see which could easily be brought to life through animation.

It turned out that we had picked similar parts of the book and settled on three themes straight away:

The faculty of wonder - a curiosity that children have about the world that is lost as an adult
The big bang - The improbability of existance
Opposites - The polarity of forces in the world i.e. you need sadness to appreciate happiness.

Together, we selected the passages that most succinctly explained these themes and printed them out:

From this, we read each page out slowly, timed how long it would take and recorded these times. 
We found two of them could be shorter, and started to edit down the passages

After lunch, we printed out the revised copy and highlighted words which stood out to us as particularly visual. This will give us a basis to derive imagery tomorrow. 

Plan for tomorrow:
Explore how image be used to enhance this spoken word
Experiment with styles/marks
Conduct animation tests
Plan some transitions/flows between sections of speech

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