Monday 18 November 2013

TBM // Heritage Flag Development

We did some research into British and UK alternative flags and found some really interesting use cases: 

The Northern Irish county flags are simple two-colour flags divided down the middle. We really liked this construction and could see it working as a basis for a new flag. 

These naval flags were also of particular interest, showing the unity of separate nations on one flag. 

We tried to utilise this kind of format for the new flag but came into difficulties when we realised Scotland would have to be removed, leaving 4 sections to be filled by 3 flags, and giving one flag twice the space of the others wouldn't represent unity so we had to drop this idea. 

We looked at the idea of representing equality of all 3 countries and used colour separated thirds to do this. This worked as both circles and square so we used the N. Irish county format to include both in an unusual flag arrangement:

The negative space was being wasted on the flag so we used the waves found in some world flags to represent our positioning as an island. This looked too busy however so we used a block blue to serve this purpose and this made the flag cleaner. 

We also wanted to inducate how this format would work in colony flags such as Australia's:

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