Wednesday 11 December 2013

Brudenell 100 // Final Evaluation

This has been the most experimental digital project I have attempted so far and while the end result wasn’t at the level I wanted it to be to make it in time for the 100 year celebrations in November, I have learned so much in the process.

I was able, in a short time frame, to learn to create and code fully HTML 5 animations without using images, utilise javascript frameworks to enhance the user experience in my designs and gain a better understang of what is and will be possible on the web as these technologies evolve in the next few years. None of these I had experience in before the start of this project. I attempted something super ambitious and in doing so underestimated the amount of time it would take to learn, implement and tweak it and missed the deadline for it to be relevant as the anniversary has  now passed.

I wasn’t able to find a way to scale the animations for different screen sizes, so the site breaks if not seen on a laptop. I would also need to implement a mobile site if this were to be shared online. Now that the anniversary has passed, it is too late to make these changes and see it live which is dissapointing, but I don’t regret taking on the brief at all.

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