Sunday 1 December 2013

TBM Flag - Crit

These were the boards we presented in the crit to TBM.

 The crit took the form of a direct presentation to Ben and Martin from The Beautiful Meme. We talked through our boards and they were both drawn to one of our early attempts to use data to inform the construction of the flag. They told us that this was a very different approach They much preferred this to the concept we had presented as our final idea. We agreed that our final idea was a bit rushed and ended up lacking as a result. Their feedback was that our final flag didn't feel British any more, which was true. They suggested that we go back to our data flag idea and try and be slightly looser with our use of the data. They loved the idea of making shapes which were proportioned to the landmass of each country and said that we should look at the work of Build in London for some examples of this type of work.  By being less exact with our proportions, they thought that we would be able to make something more aesthetic but still informed.

I found this crit really helpful. We have both found this to be a difficult brief, especially given the short deadline and other constraints on time at this point in the year. They were able to give us some direction and help us to move the brief forward when we were stuck on it. Our next step will be to go back to the drawing board and try and implement these changes.

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