Monday 24 February 2014

Open Garage // Brief + Methodology

Brief 10: Open Garage Brewing Co. Brief 

Collaboration with Andy Foster 

The Brief / background : 

Hoping to start stocking our ale in bars and pubs across Cumbria, we will need to produce the relevant packaging and promotional products needed. 
Providing the beer is well received, products such as tap signs and beer mats will need to be designed.The beer will also require promotion for events such as beer festivals where a banner or sign will be necessary to promote the brand. 
The Open Garage Brewing Co. does not currently have a website. This may be a useful platform for people to find out more about the brewing process and how the different beers are made. 
The craft beers produced by The Open Garage Brewing Co. are usually bottled, so you will need to design the packaging to transport the bottled beer. 

Concept / Proposition 

We will design all of the packaging and promotional products needed to effectively transport and promote the Open Garage Brewing Co. beer. 
The packaging I design will need to be innovative and memorable so that the beer attracts attention which is very important due to the large amount of bottled beer on the market. 
I will also produce a website and leaflet / zine that will contain information about the brewery and how the beers are made. The website will be a very important platform as it will be most people first port of call if they wish to contact the brewery about stocking the beer. 
All of the products I produce will have to work as a set which will help to create a strong brand. I will also try and push the product range am much as possible to provide The Open Garage with all the products needed to help the business succeed. 
Innovative – different to other beer labels
Eye-catching – if it was on a shelf it should stand out and have a presence
Memorable – people remember the brand so next time they come to the event they recall the label and branding
Contemporary – modern, up-to-date, it should reflect the nature of the events 


Beer bottle packaging
Open Garage banners / promotional products Beer mats & tap signs
Open garage information leaflet
Open garage website 


We will once again be using a Design Sprint methodology based on the Google Design Sprint and incorporating elements of other sprint and Agile Methodologies. This is my third brief approached using these techniques and I have felt that while I have had a different experience both times, they have been equally efficient design processes, forcing me to develop ideas thoroughly on paper before entering a digital workflow. As we approach the end of the year and time becomes more precious, it is becoming essential to develop more time-efficient ways of working. Collaboration allows us to produce twice as much work in the time-frame and I feel that sprint methodologies give us that time saving again. 

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