Thursday 27 February 2014

Open Garage // Day 3 - Development

Today we made huge leaps forward in terms of developing the concept behind this project range.

Yesterday we had the idea of allowing the drinker to customise their bottle for amusement using stickers. To do this, we had to have a minimum of visual information already on the bottle, but essentially it should act as a blank canvas.

We needed to heavily consider our use of type on the labels and how this would support the tone of the imagery. Exploring a few option, we settled on the stylistic but affordable VAG rounded. The soft, chunky curves fit the thick rounded lines used in our initial illustration

We both experimented with compositions of the characters on the label, referring to our sketches and allowing space for stickers to be applied. 

We found that the huge difference between themes made it hard to connect the two different beers and make them feel like a true range. We decided to strip back the characters to just eyes and use colour to distinguish different drinks. We moved back to paper and started to get much more interesting results:

Even just in producing these mock-ups, we had fun trying to find alternative uses for stickers each of us had designed. A hat could become a beard upside down, and sunglasses could be a mouth. We could see the potential of a product like this to engage consumers and spark conversation. 

We moved on to digitising this to imaging what a blank bottle would look like:

With the concept now fully established and the logistics of the label considered, tomorrow we will start to design each of the components. 

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