Monday 3 February 2014

Pledge Music // Thoughts on the process so far

This has been my second design sprint and it has worked out just as efficiently for me in solving this brief. I found that my adaptation of the Google Design Sprint had to be further adjusted to meet the requirements of a rebrand, which requires different research and investigation than the creation of wholly original graphic products which was the focus of the Newspaper brief.

I felt that we have been very successful at identifying problems with the current design of the site and the development of solutions to better align it with its vision moving forward. What has been unique about this sprint has been just how thorough we had been about designing on paper. When we did move onto the computer to begin mocking up, the only design decisions we had were about colour, every thing else had already been figured out. This was very refreshing and streamlined the design process in a much more professional way.

I will definitely consider further developing this working methodology to suit my needs in future briefs.

In terms of organisation, me and Andy have been making heavy use of dropbox to ensure that we are both designing from the most up-to-date files and that all resources of the brief are available to both of us at any time. This has increased our productivity tremendously and removed the time spend sending files to one another. Finding more efficient ways of working is a focus of mine as we approach the end of the year and have to start monetising our practice.

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