Monday 3 March 2014

Open Garage - User Testing

Taking the assets we had produced on Friday, we printed out a prototype in black and white on sticker paper and cut them out by hand. This would allow us to conduct user testing, leaving participants to construct a face using up to 6 pieces. These sessions were very helpful at identifying what was working, which pieces were more popular than others and collecting suggestions of what pieces to add.

Colour designs for testing

B&W Pieces



Could do with some ears
Couldn't identify eye-patch

People would actually do it.
Conversation starter
Liked the props most
Lots of eye brows
Wanted more props + facial expression options

Fun and interactive
Noses for hands
More arms would be nice.
Pieces to put in eyes

Suggested a tear drop
Enjoyable experience
Wanted more mouths - especially an open mouth
Consider colour use
Actual clothing additions
More detailed illustrations

Good range
No obvious nose spotted.

Good idea
Good concept
Plays with idea of ripping labels when drinking
Mouths and hats wanted
Missing Ears

Earings wanted
Couldn't find mouths
Noses wanted


Lips wanted - female pieces not too girly
Good selection

Shapes -> Creative
Remove eyes

More variations of mouths/noses
Playful idea

Touch to make a decision on stickers.

Enough pieces
Room to get carried away
Easy to stick and remove
Could have more hats and ears.

This was a very valuable process for us, allowing us to gain a lot of specific feedback which will help us finalise the design. Ears and were a largely called for feature and the selection of headwear needs to be expanded. I found that people were drawn to items with a really obvious purpose eg. the top hat and chain. More ambiguous pieces were often left out. 6 was a good number of stickers and definitely provided enough scope to compose a character.

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