Friday 25 October 2013

Indie game // Animation Progress

We were able to get the three environments pieced together and animated. This was the most complicated part of the trailer, and we had to split the workload quite heavily. Andy would prepare characters and enviroments as I controlled character movement in the scenes and tweaked details. Together we made decisions over when characters should enter and leave the scene and what timings needed to be adjusted away from the script to better suit the composition. 

In the land stage, the postman revs his bike and zips off-screen

In the deset scene, the jesus character bangs his staff, the monkeys jump up and down and the birds fly. This turned out to be the busiest scene of the three. 

As the ice was slippery I had to alter character movement for the ice stage. We introduced an eskimo on a snowmobile to mix up the activities of characters in the composition. 

For the dialogue section, Andy had made the shopkeeper's mouth open and close so it was a simple process to have the text pop in and out at the right timings. The clouds move subtly in the background to enhance the scene.

We are not far away from completing the animation. At this stage I am really happy with how it is coming together and think it presents our design elements really well.

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