Wednesday 5 March 2014

Nescafe Azera // Social Media Strategy

The brief was clear about the importance of an engaging social media campaign to form part of our pitch. Looking at successful viral campaigns, we found that the most memorable used stunts or larger events to attract crowds and carefully documented them, putting the edited footage online to be shared. This formula is something we wanted to mimic. We were particularly fond of videos like this:

Another succesful format for social engagement is competitions. This is an area that we focused on for our first idea:

Our social media strategy would aim to engage with consumers through a competition. This would take the form of real world activity that would spark organic promotion and discussion online. Competitions A vehicle would be altered to mimic the Azera Revolution packaging and would be driven around
city locations. A spectacular prize draw would be advertised for those who are able to capture and post a snapshot of the car on its travels.

I vectorised an illustration of this vehicle to give an indication of how it would look and function in our submission boards.

Secondly, we wanted to expand this idea and do something large and unexpected as the best way to attract attention is to surprise people. We proposed a giant Azera Revolution box being carried along by helicopter. This would follow a similar competition format, and entry to the competition would be granted to anyone who tweets a photo of the helicopter in flight. I quickly mock-up this up as well and simplified the result sit well with the simplicity of the car.

This social media strategy would be supported by an active twitter account that would provide clues as to where the vehicles can be found and retweets of sightings. This would keep social media visibility for the brand and encourage others to enter. We mocked up this element for the boards as we felt that it ties the ideas together and makes it clear to see how it would benefit the brand. This involved replacing the tweets, logo and users in the current account and showing how it would look during our campaign. 

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