Monday 12 May 2014

Foodpreneurs // Design Sprint

We started the brief using a one-day design sprint. I have used this methodology in one form or another for most of the briefs this year, and have found it to get more and more useful as a way of approaching design briefs without any assumed knowledge and ensuring that, within a collaboration, both designers have the same understanding about the audience and context for the design. I have found that this thorough research and concept development stage leads in turn to more effective design/development later in the project.

 We agreed that it would be best to use the sprint approach for the research stage of the project. This allowed to gain a stronger understanding of the context, audience and client expectations before we started the design stage. We started the day by going through the brief and outlining possible research areas, we then structured these into 5 minute research sprints. We wanted to primarily research into NorthernStrEats, successful street food startups, types of food, possible brand applications and ideas for associated imagery.

Northern StrEats:

'Norther StrEats is an organisation set up by food traders for food traders. We aim to provide a service, to push the word, to let event organisers know that the times they are a changin', that the Great British public are fed up of being served overpriced, rubbish food.'

The site gave a great introduction to what modern street food is, and does a really good job of creating excitement around this food in the North as much of the activity in street food has been centred around London. 

'Back in the day and not so long ago what did street food say to you? It said, kebab vans, burger vans, chip vans selling low quality, high priced food. It filled a hole, emptied pockets and most people who purchased came away feeling unsatisfied and cross with themselves for eating such rubbish. Local councils granted permissions to cater for what they thought was a requirement but due to rubbish, complaints and health worries those councils now take a dim view of street food traders. Say ‘street food trading’ to a councillor and their immediate thought is of the picture just painted.'

This quote really sums up the real change in commercial and consumer attitude towards Street Food. No longer is it about producing low quality food for the lowest price possible, now street food enthusiasts value fresh local ingredients and rich flavours and are not afraid to pay for them. Foodpreneurs needs to capture this kind of spirit as a brand. 

 NorthernStrEats also acts as a network group as they 'support each other, pass on work opportunities, negotiate pitch fees, organise street food events and keep in touch with festival organisers about their food offerings.' This makes it so important to a profession known for being friendly, adventurous and hard-working. 

Through our research, we identified these key qualities of street food traders that should be communicated in our brand:

Passionate about food
Source locally and sustainably 
Hard Working
interact with the public
Work seasonally 

Some examples of the information that was found during this process:
-If you Google Street Food Traders UK, you will find 11,000,000 results
-2.5 billion people eat street food every day, with the most popular being Mexican Burritos. 
-The average cost of ‘street food’ is £4.25 per head, while the average cost of a restaurant meal is £18.45. 

Successful street vendors:

Senor Churo 

El Kantina


Belgave Street Feast:
The Foodpreneur event will be held at Belgrave Music Hall and Canteen, a venue that has actively encouraged and supported the growth of street food in Leeds through it's rotating food residencies and the monthly 'street feast'. Our design should fit within the Belgrade aesthetic of clean typography and simple colours.

We ended the sprint with brainstorming rounds of ideas for street food associated imagery and possible extensions to the brief we could use to enhance the event in June:

Wrist bands
Projection - Animation
Window Vinyl 
Laser Cut 
Viral Video

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