Wednesday 14 May 2014

TBM Flag // Submission Boards and evaluation

I found creating a reimagined UK flag to be a much more challenging brief than I had initially expected. Flags have so much meaning and heritage that cannot be changed from their traditional formats, standards and colours that it becomes a really hard design challenge which produced both some really unusual solutions and some plain variations. The short deadline of the interim crit and submission hand-in made this even harder, and neither of us were particularly happy with the outcomes we had developed in the time-frame. I did however find it a really interesting challenge that required a lot of research and got me to consider audience and heritage in a completely different way to most briefs. For attempting this brief as a project, I think that if Scotland left the UK the flag would remain the same as patriotism, flags and icons mean so much and so many different things to different people that any new solution would meet huge criticism. It was interesting to see how many different solutions had been created in the class for this, and I feel that I have learnt just as much during this brief from other people's projects that were informed by different research and angles than I did from my own.

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